Jesting for sport
27 December 2020
This website's header is a React component, and the JavaScript (JSX) file's prelude looks like this:
import React from 'react';
import Link from 'next/link';
import styles from './header.module.css';
In the first line, we are importing the default module from react
and storing it in in the variable React
which is valid JavaScript (although react
isn't actually a valid import target at a language-level, this will actually get the React code from node_modules
in the background). We do the same in the second line with Link
- however, in the third line we are importing a non-JS asset: a CSS file.
This is not valid JavaScript at all, but frameworks like Next.js let us do it with its CSS Modules support out of the box.
When it comes to testing our code with Jest and no configuration, we'll come across an error like the following:
FAIL src/components/header/header.test.js
ā Test suite failed to run
Jest encountered an unexpected token
.header {
SyntaxError: Unexpected token .
> 3 | import styles from './header.module.css';
The environment that Next.js runs our development server in, and the environment that builds and runs our Next.js code, has no problem with importing this CSS module file like this. However, in our Jest environment it (correctly) shows it as an error (because it's invalid JavaScript).
We can allow this invalid JavaScript because it's a nice developer experience and Next.js resolves this issue for us, but what do we do to make Jest feel the same? The answer is the Jest configuration option transform
which by default looks like this:
"transform": {
"\\.[jt]sx?$": "babel-jest"
This tells our testing environment when it comes across a JS, JSX, TS or TSX file to use the babel-jest
transformer. Since the environment doesn't know what to do with a *.module.css
file it throws our error. To fix this, we need to add the following line to our transform
"^.+\\.module\\.css$": "jest-transform-stub"
We need to install jest-transform-stub
as a dev dependency, but it's very simple transformer that lets you import the *.module.css
file without throwing an error. It does this by turning it into a Node module that exports an empty string.